Is this World War – III?

I recently read a book called “The Eyes of Darkness,” a not so popular thriller novel by American writer Dean Koontz, released in 1981. Interestingly, the author talked about coronavirus and the properties. Generally speaking, I am neither a ‘doomsday’ kind of person nor believe in astrology. However, I am surprised by the similarity and it cannot be a coincidence.

·     This virus (covid-19), knowingly only affect humans no other animals, unlike all other viruses.

·     It’s originated in Wuhan, where there is a military research facility for biological warfare.

·     The first whistleblower was silenced by the government, he was trying to save life

·     China was in a tough spot before the outbreak due to trade war with US and the major telecom equipment provider war barred from entry in US and Europe.

·     China had to agree to purchase US products due to tough negotiation.

·     Most interestingly the outbreak in China was magically stopped

·     Only Wuhan killed some so called wild animal but not other provinces  

·     The virus was exported to Italy, US, and rest of Europe and stopped in the country of origin without a vaccine or medicine – as if it was a perfect outsource!

·     The Chinese president visits Wuhan Hospital without muzzle?

Let’s have a quick look at the impact on stock exchanges globally in a month:

  🇺🇸 -26%

 🇬🇧 -26%

 🇨🇦 -25%

 🇧🇷 -27%

 🇷🇺 -20%

 🇦🇪 -19%

 🇿🇦 -16%

 🇦🇺 -24%

 🇮🇳 -14%

 🇸🇬 -17%

 🇭🇰 -12%

 🇰🇷 – 17%

 Now, look at this:

  🇨🇳 (China) + 0.3%

It seems to be that this virus was a move by the government in response to the loss of the trade war with the United States and Europe. The goal: to throw the world into a virtual shutdown.

Is this still sounds a coincidence? Now, let us look at the trading activity in these exchanges. China bought almost everything it devalued on the stock exchanges around the world … with that the Chinese government became owners of the global companies that are in China and without the money leaving China.

This is what the Americans and Europeans think, after they sold their shares in high-value-added technology companies for a minimal price to the Chinese government.

According to them, the Chinese leadership used an “economic tactic” that made everyone swallow the bait easily, before they asserted that China did not resort to implementing a high political strategy to get rid of European investors, in support of China’s economy, which would bypass the global economy with this step!

 Interestingly, it teaches the science of certainty that Europeans and Americans are looking for excuses to slow and bankrupt the Chinese economy, China has sacrificed some hundreds of its citizens, instead of sacrificing an entire people. Make sense? It’s not a democracy and no free speech either.

Through this tactic, China succeeded in “deceiving all”, as it reaped about $ 20 billion in two days, and the Chinese president succeeded in deceiving the European Union and the United States of America in the eyes of the world, and played an economic game of a tactical nature.

Before the pandemic, most of the stocks and stakes in investment projects at “Technology and Chemicals” production plants were owned by European and American investors!

This means that more than half of the profits from the light and heavy technological and chemical industries went to the hands of foreign investors, not to the Chinese treasury, which led to a decline in the Chinese currency, the yuan and the Chinese central bank could not do something against the continuous fall of the yuan as US were talking about currency manipulations!

There was even widespread news that China was unable to purchase masks to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. These rumors and the Chinese President’s statements that he is “not ready to save the country from the virus” have led to a sharp drop in the purchase prices of shares of technology companies in China, and the empires of “foreign” investors have raced to offer investment shares for sale at very low prices, and with attractive offers, “Never seen before” in history ..!

The Chinese government waited for foreign share prices to reach their “almost free” minimums, and then issued an order to purchase them and bought the shares of Americans and Europeans!

And when European and American investment financiers realized that they had been deceived, it was too late, as the shares were in the hands of the Chinese government, which in this process nationalized most of the foreign companies erected on its soil in a near-free manner, without causing a political crisis or a single shot!

The same sources confirmed and pointed out that “Corona” is a “real” virus, but it is not a terrible danger that has been promoted across the world!

Now, what is next? I love this experience from Hans Rosling from his famous book ‘Factfulness’.

“The urgency instinct makes us want to take immediate action in the face of a perceived imminent danger. It must have served us humans well in the distant past. If we thought there might be a lion in the grass, it was not sensible to do too much analysis. Those who stopped and carefully analyzed the probabilities are not our ancestors. We are the offspring of those who decided and acted quickly with insufficient information. Today, we still need the urgency instinct—for example, when a car comes out of nowhere and we need to take evasive action. But now that we have eliminated most immediate dangers and are left with more complex and often more abstract problems, the urgency instinct can also lead us astray when it comes to our understanding the world around us. It makes us stressed, amplifies our other instincts and makes them harder to control, blocks us from thinking analytically, tempts us to make up our minds too fast, and encourages us to take drastic actions that we haven’t thought through.”

Do not panic, think analytically and we can win!

Abhijit Ghosh is the CEO of StanShare, in addition to an enthusiastic learner with deep understanding of both data, technology, and concurrent people management policies and practices. An exceptional achiever, well-rounded, multilingual, culturally aware professional with a strong background in building and leading multi-discipline, geographically dispersed teams to manage complex operations and automation. Specializes in highly cross functional collaborations with Operations, Finance, HR, Data Management in financial services industry. He has over 17 years of hands-on management experience in planning, creating, data products and solutions through design thinking. Extremely skilled strategist for robotics and cognitive automation solutions.

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