COVID19 – A missed collaboration opportunity for CEOs, CDOs, and CTOs!

It is still debatable what should be the name of new ‘death sentence’, covid19, Coronavirus, or Wuhan virus but any name you give it as a data and technology professionals, it is sign of a missed opportunity.

The word ‘death’ does not really match with the word ‘opportunity’, unless you are in the business of war or weapons. However, this is the time data could save millions of lives globally, if we truly use it to make ‘the world a better place.’ Surprised, how?

How big is the problem:

Currently, we all are hiding in our houses globally and it is the 21st day of lockdown in India and globally, it varies between 1-3 months of lockdown with an uncertain future extension. If you just look at the economics only United States have so far declared a US$ 2.2 trillion stimulus package for the US economy, another 750 billion euros package from Europe. Excluding this all other countries are giving 2-10% of their GDPs as stimulus package.

Why is the virus so dangerous and even more dangerous in comparison with world war 1 & 2? Is it because there is no medicine, there is no vaccine, it is highly contagious, and you cannot see your enemy? No, the more dangerous because it spreads through human to human!

So, it spreads as you touch someone, kiss someone, give a tight hug, or shake your hands. So, to stop the virus, you need to stop being a human, stop spreading love, stop hugging people.

These are all general facts we know by now thanks to melodramatic media, social or traditional. Then how come data management missed an opportunity?

Yes, it is but may be late but not too late. Unless, we find a cure, we need to ‘contain’ the virus in ‘hotspots’ and break the human chain. How can you see a human chain? It is not just a social media network analysis! You get ‘in touch’ a lot of people, that you do not even know.

Last week, Google and Apple started collaborating (one of the rare events!) to create an app, to alert the users if they exposed themselves to someone who was suffering from COVID19 or later developed the symptoms of COVID19.So far, they preferred to use ‘Bluetooth’ over ‘Wi-Fi’ ‘GPS’, or ‘cellular signals’ because it needs a short range to find out if they crossed path with someone who should have been in quarantine. Will this work? Not over 50%, why?

What if the ATM machine, a healthy person is using to withdraw cash and a few hours back a COVID19 patient withdrew money from the same ATM? It is true for POS machines at grocery stores, unless you used a contact less card or mobile payment system?

Managing the Data Management Puzzle!

So, this is how a complete cross-referencing data management solution can help to contain the virus.

Data Input:

  • All corona positive cases will register with an app or mobile website
  • Everyone should also input their mobile number to the same app if they are coming back or going out using any port of entry (irrespective of the person has COVID19 or not)
  • The app or the site would take permission for accessing the contact list, Bluetooth, GPS, call logs, and sending notifications
  • Along with the mobile number it should also click a picture (selfie of the person, mentioned in #1 and #2)

Data Storage:

  • When the government healthcare system gets this information, they will pass the mobile/cell phone number and the picture to

Final Destination: Data Cross Referencing

  1. Immigration office (to check for the travel history)
  1. Banking systems/Payment Gateway providers (Master Card, VISA, Alipay, RuPay etc., to see where are those POS systems are located)
  1. To cellular service providers (to cross reference the call lists and check if called numbers, were in proximity using the cellular towers) – Add the locations in a map API.
  1. Match it with recent criminal database to see if police officers intercepted them, while he/she was infected
  • Use Bluetooth, like they any way plan to use for proximity and send alerts to all users nearby
  • Send the number of Airlines and Railway authorities to see if there were any bookings made with the name and number combination to check the travel path for contamination. They can also locate the other cell phones that were moving with the tracked cell phone
  • Match the picture against Facebook, Instagram, YouTube for a facial recognition. This would give a fair idea about people around them with the time stamp
  • You can also match the photograph with traffic and CCTV cameras. This too would give a fair idea about people around them with the time stamp
    • Also, you can run the picture and phone number to track the driving license and run it with motor vehicle department to track the vehicle movement and stop points

Sound like a lot of work and Déjà vu, right? But in actual it is not difficult from the technology capability side, we have enough computing power from IBM, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and many more. So, what is stopping?

Collaboration: Breaking the silos use alternate data!

All this is not my brilliant idea and no one else is thing about it. The primary problem is all these data sits in their silos. Is not this a perfect example of alternate data?

It does not need super techie to design this solution even if we need, we have enough talent, it needs a collaborator and negotiator to break the silos.

The global CEOs keeps talking about breaking the silos in their respective companies but when it comes to multiple companies, will they go into silos themselves? The future, will answer the questions but it is still not too late yet! Make the world a better place with data!

Abhijit Ghosh the CEO of StanShare.

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