Million dollar question – When is the 3rd Covid wave coming?

Do you know when the Covid-19 3rd wave will hit us? Perhaps, only God knows (If you believe in one). Do I postpone my travel plans OR go ahead with them? The guilt of contributing to the onset of the 3rd wave makes me sit home as I wish to be a responsible citizen. TheContinue reading “Million dollar question – When is the 3rd Covid wave coming?”

Sustainable Development Goals – We need to Act NOW!!

COVID-19 is spreading human suffering, destabilizing the global economy and upending the lives of billions of people around the globe. The pandemic is an unprecedented wake-up call, laying bare deep inequalities and exposing precisely the failures that are addressed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Leveraging this momentContinue reading “Sustainable Development Goals – We need to Act NOW!!”

Unlock & Fear of the Next Wave

India has had a devastating second wave of corona virus since early 2021 with some states & cities of this vast country still under a lockdown. We have all seen the gory & heart-breaking visuals of death & sorrow. Rich or poor, man or woman – nobody was spared by this wave as it hasContinue reading “Unlock & Fear of the Next Wave”

Sustainable Living- Fashion & Financial Wellness Diary: Page 1: LEAN Thinking

I am living in a containment zone today on 21st May, 2021. It’s not just today but actually has been for almost three months now due to the pandemic. It is like a house arrest; I cannot come out of the house for run or a walk. Unfortunately, I had returned my treadmill that IContinue reading “Sustainable Living- Fashion & Financial Wellness Diary: Page 1: LEAN Thinking”

Travel plans in the near future?

Most of us want to take a break! But where can we go as the second wave of the Covid lockdown in India has made us all sit at home. There are no outbound flights & with the deadly variant who wants to step out. But, just like last year when the first wave waned,Continue reading “Travel plans in the near future?”

‘Rich Dad’ and ‘Poor Dad’ – Which one were you in the Second Wave of India?

You must be thinking – What Rich Dad & Poor Dad has to do with India’s second covid wave? The first wave hit us when everyone was unprepared. Even if people had a job or good enough contingency funds, they were not sure what to purchase to be ‘Safe,’ i.e., excluding masks and hand sanitizers.Continue reading “‘Rich Dad’ and ‘Poor Dad’ – Which one were you in the Second Wave of India?”

Increasing Digital Fraud during the Pandemic

As countries across the globe embrace digitization & are more than ever dependent on online work, shopping & communication because of Covid-19 there has been a steep jump in digital fraud cases as well. With consumers, office goers, school children confined to their homes & forced to venture online, there has been a massive increaseContinue reading “Increasing Digital Fraud during the Pandemic”

The Magic bullet to stop the disease, isn’t just Mask – It’s starts with you alone!

I am neither a journalist nor politician, so don’t think I am going to take sides or keep uttering the same word without following them. I am not a doctor and not with big pharma either – Sorry, I am not selling you Ivermectin or anti-viral or looking for grant. I am YOU! You, whoContinue reading “The Magic bullet to stop the disease, isn’t just Mask – It’s starts with you alone!”

Help India Breathe through StanShare

Who would have imagined that 2021 will turn out to be scarier than 2020? As the Spanish flu from 1918-1921 had 3-4 waves before it subsided eventually, everyone kind of knew that history might repeat itself but the intensity of the subsequent Covid waves is hard to predict. What started in March-April 2021 as theContinue reading “Help India Breathe through StanShare”

Equity – The only magic bullet to stop the pandemic

A year back, I was pitching asset sharing to a room full of investors, who gathered across the globe. It was just after the first wave, many countries were still fighting the battle, the question then was – Isn’t the COVID putting a stop on “sharing”? Yes, if you are shortsighted, but it is theContinue reading “Equity – The only magic bullet to stop the pandemic”