Million dollar question – When is the 3rd Covid wave coming?

Do you know when the Covid-19 3rd wave will hit us? Perhaps, only God knows (If you believe in one). Do I postpone my travel plans OR go ahead with them? The guilt of contributing to the onset of the 3rd wave makes me sit home as I wish to be a responsible citizen. TheContinue reading “Million dollar question – When is the 3rd Covid wave coming?”

Sustainable Development Goals – We need to Act NOW!!

COVID-19 is spreading human suffering, destabilizing the global economy and upending the lives of billions of people around the globe. The pandemic is an unprecedented wake-up call, laying bare deep inequalities and exposing precisely the failures that are addressed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Leveraging this momentContinue reading “Sustainable Development Goals – We need to Act NOW!!”

Travel plans in the near future?

Most of us want to take a break! But where can we go as the second wave of the Covid lockdown in India has made us all sit at home. There are no outbound flights & with the deadly variant who wants to step out. But, just like last year when the first wave waned,Continue reading “Travel plans in the near future?”

‘Rich Dad’ and ‘Poor Dad’ – Which one were you in the Second Wave of India?

You must be thinking – What Rich Dad & Poor Dad has to do with India’s second covid wave? The first wave hit us when everyone was unprepared. Even if people had a job or good enough contingency funds, they were not sure what to purchase to be ‘Safe,’ i.e., excluding masks and hand sanitizers.Continue reading “‘Rich Dad’ and ‘Poor Dad’ – Which one were you in the Second Wave of India?”

Increasing Digital Fraud during the Pandemic

As countries across the globe embrace digitization & are more than ever dependent on online work, shopping & communication because of Covid-19 there has been a steep jump in digital fraud cases as well. With consumers, office goers, school children confined to their homes & forced to venture online, there has been a massive increaseContinue reading “Increasing Digital Fraud during the Pandemic”

Help India Breathe through StanShare

Who would have imagined that 2021 will turn out to be scarier than 2020? As the Spanish flu from 1918-1921 had 3-4 waves before it subsided eventually, everyone kind of knew that history might repeat itself but the intensity of the subsequent Covid waves is hard to predict. What started in March-April 2021 as theContinue reading “Help India Breathe through StanShare”

The New Pandemic Waves and How can we Contribute to tide the Surge

The whole world is reeling under a fresh wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. India is facing a massive second surge in COVID-19 cases with daily case load now surpassing 400,000 a day. Thailand plans to install 10,000 field-hospital beds in Bangkok, as the country strains to cope with the third wave of COVID-19 infections. FranceContinue reading “The New Pandemic Waves and How can we Contribute to tide the Surge”

The Pandemic’s Climate Impact and an Altered Human Behavior

What a tumultuous year we had in 2020!! The pandemic not only took away many lives across continents but also impacted the global economy on a scale never seen before. With efforts from the Central Banks world over, the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has been somewhat softened but despite all these efforts, peopleContinue reading “The Pandemic’s Climate Impact and an Altered Human Behavior”

Senior Citizens in a Low Interest Rate Economy

The world has changed immensely in 2020 due to the pandemic, impacting most of the economies of the world. It has affected how we live, socialize, work & study & we might not get back to the ‘normal’ that we always took for granted. While there have been some pleasant changes too, especially the improvementContinue reading “Senior Citizens in a Low Interest Rate Economy”

ESG- Has it become more relevant?

ESG stands for Environment, Social & Governance. The ESG criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. Environmental criteria consider how a company performs as a steward of nature. Social criteria examine how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where itContinue reading “ESG- Has it become more relevant?”